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145 - The Addiction Chronicles: Tiffany Cornell



In today's episode I talk with Tiffany Cornell about her recovery journey.  Tiffany is 32 years old and was born with the disease of addiction. At age 6 she was already quite overweight, suffered from severe depression and as a result got sent on her first diet retreat with her mother. Ever since then not a day has gone by that she wasn’t on a diet or obsessed with the goal to lose weight and be a different person. She tried every diet out there but never managed to achieve much. After her first weight-loss surgery, which wasn’t very successful, she stumbled across the low-carb high-fat diet, which was very popular in Sweden where she was living in her early 20s, and heard about Bitten Jonsson and sugar addiction. She immediately identified with everything Bitten said and finally started making some progress. She battled for 8 years to get more than 30 days of abstinence from her trigger foods, always slipping and sliding. A constant back and forth of withdrawal and peace and weight-loss and weight