Strong Suit Podcast

5 Questions to Unleash Your Company’s Hidden Power (Recruit Rockstars 456)



Few things wag my tail like meeting with a CEO who puts talent at the top of their agenda. Here’s one. Matt Hulett is CEO of publicly-held PetMeds, America’s most trusted pet pharmacy with 11 million customers. Matt has driven more than $2 billion in value creation as a four-time public company CEO/President and a two-time private company CEO.  He’s led multiple turnaround successes at companies you know, including Rosetta Stone, RealNetworks, and Expedia. And this week, he released his new book “Unlock: 5 Questions to Unleash Your Company’s Hidden Power” - It’s fantastic, regardless of your company’s stage. I just had the chance to speak with Matt about what role Recruiting has played in his personal success & that of his companies. Arf! Arf!