Real Estate Agents: The Mail-right Show

#338 Mail-Right Show Email Marketing Mistakes Real Estate Agents Need to Avoid



Email Marketing Mistakes Real Estate Agents Need to Avoid Email marketing can be an amazing tool for Realtors, as long as you're avoiding these common email marketing mistakes! #1 - Does Your Subject Lines Suck either under or overpromise? #2 - Does your email offer any real value (value is a semi-complicated measure.) #3 - Over reliances on email marketing automation and not understanding this should be linked to breaking up your lists into a highly personal touch list, a middle-level touch list, and an automatic marketing list. This is all linked to one word "segmentation." #4 - Email is being dominated by mobile usage; you need to make sure that your email is "mobile-friendly. $5 - Timing is all-important and connects to sending the right email at the right time. #6 - This is all linked to one word, "segmentation," and how important not to have just one large list   The Hosts of The Mail-Right Show Jonathan Denwood 775-372-6322 Robert Newman InboundRE