Grizzly Times Podcast

Episode 51 - Gabi Paun - Romanian Environmental and Animal Welfare Activist



Gabriel (“Gabi”) Paun is a Romanian environmental and animal welfare activist, with more than two decades of experience in Romania and other parts of Europe, as well as Africa and Australia. Gabi has a degree in ecology and served as an organizer for Greenpeace before founding the Romanian group, Agent Green, focused on animal welfare, forestry and wildlife issues. He has enjoyed major success in stopping the spread of genetically modified crops in Romania, exposing illegal logging in the country’s forests, and investigating and exposing the cruelty of the live animal export industry. He also campaigns for protecting the well-being of farm animals and companion animals. In 2016 Gabi won the prestigious European environmental award, EuroNatur, which was also enjoyed by Nelson Mandela and Mikhail Gorbachev. Gabi has created -- and is actively promoting -- the idea of an international Peace Park on the border of Ukraine, Romania and other neighboring countries in the Carpathian Mountains, as a symbol of peace