Dead Beat Film Society

142 - Coda (2021)



It stands for Child Of Deaf Adults! Join the DBFS as we continue a tradition of talking the Best Picture Oscar winner, the Oscars television broadcast and whether people actually watch it, the importance of winning Best Picture, the Will Smith slap (only briefly!), our newly invented "Premiere" award, ASL and sign language in the mainstream, accessibility, coming of age stories, fishing and singing in the same movie(!?), similarities with children of immigrants and the interpreter role they play, deaf people navigating a hearing world, some possible statutory rape(?), the unneeded boyfriend character, similarities to a Hallmark movie, art reacting to the times its made in, and how we need hopeful movies now more than ever. So put on closed captioning and smash that play button for an in depth Coda film analysis! Click here to subscribe to Dead Beat Film Society podcast and please leave us a review!