Stacking The Bricks - Real Entrepreneur Confessions

EP3 - We didn't hit our annual goals. But...



We didn't hit our goals (which was mostly our fault).We let deadlines slip, and probably let some people down.Amy got really sick. :(So of course, looking back on 2014 feels like we didn't get all that much done.But when Amy and I sat down and spent an hour going over the stuff we did do...we realized that holy cow, it was a lot.A bit further down on this post, we've put together our comprehensive review of 2014. It's complete with revenue and subscriber numbers, where we have them readily share-able. You'll see that 2014 might not have been as unproductive as we'd felt.After pulling this list together, Amy and I sat down again to talk about how the year went, and talked about the difference between how we felt... and what the facts actually showed.And this time, we recorded that conversation so you can listen in! You can expect more audio stories and conversations like this one in 2015! That'll include interviews with successful bootstrappers (and not just our own students) and more chances like this one to