Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

17: Darren Jacklin: How to Attract Success



Show Notes: “In the beginning people are going to call you crazy.” - Darren Jacklin (Click to Tweet) In today’s environment it’s easy to be surrounded by doom and gloom. Social media feed, news, everything seems to focus on the negative side of life. Surrounds yourself by this will have an impact on your professional life as well as your personal life. What you should do instead is put yourself in positive environments. Surround yourself by people smarter and better than you, who are successful in the areas you want to be in. In the real world it’s not about what you know, and it’s now about who you know. It’s about who knows you. Most importantly, continually invest in yourself. Keep learning, because when you stop learning you stop earning. It’s like the old saying, rich people have big libraries and poor people have big TVs. One of the best ways to invest in yourself, and really grow you education is by hiring someone who’s already been there. Someone with the experience to get you