Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

19: Alex Courson: Your Safest Bet in Any Economy



Show Notes:   “There is no golden treasure waiting for you, you have to go get it.” - Alex Courson (Click to Tweet) It’s a common belief that there is a safe choice in life. That taking “good job” means you’ll have security for the rest of your life. The truth is there is no such thing as a safe job. Just because you are hired in a government position or as a teacher doesn’t mean you’ll have a job in two years. Growing up I was taught we would always need teachers, and today teachers are getting the worst end of the stick. Millennials growing up were taught to go into IT. That computers were the way of the future, and that there was good money in it. Now the first Millennials are getting older and discovering that finding a new IT job after you are 30 is nearly impossible. The only way to guarantee you will keep working is to work for yourself. Even if a business goes under, you can always start another. And another. And another. You don’t even have to wait for one to end before y