Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

29: Greg Reid; How to Properly Use the Law of Attraction



SHOW NOTES: YOURRESULTSRADIO.COM/29 “It’s the action in the law of attraction that makes our dreams come true.” - Greg Reid One of the most common questions I’m asked is, “Shawn, I’m just starting out, how to I become successful?” The problem with this question is that most people don’t even know what success is. Success is different for everyone, and it’s based on your goals. The first place you need to start is looking at where you want to be. You need to set a clear, specific goal. Don’t try to chase after too much. Don’t try to be a rock star, a movie star, a CEO, and a chef all at the same time. You’ll never be a success at any of them. Pick that one thing you want to be the expert in and follow that. Then you can know the secret to success: not giving up. We all know people who stopped a few credits from a degree. Who decided not to push their passions, and watched in envy as their peers became a success. Just when you feel like you can’t do it anymore. Just when you feel like there’s no point and you a