Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

30: Ryan Long - How to Master Your Field and Overcome Adversity



“You have to become a bigger, stronger version of yourself.” I get so many people telling me how hard it is to get started. That things don’t just come easy for them like it seems to for others. The truth is, it doesn’t come easy for anyone. It looks easy because you are looking at masters of their craft. They have already struggled, you just weren’t there for it. For something to be easy, you have to put in the work. You have to overcome the adversity that comes along with that personal growth. That doesn’t mean you have to sit in a corner and beat yourself up until you get it right. Instead, you can seek out someone who has already been there. You can get their advice, and uplevel your skills even faster. On this episode of Results Radio, I bring you someone who has dedicated themselves to helping others boost their skills no matter what industry they are in: Ryan Long. Ryan is an entrepreneur and speaker who came from a troubled and impoverished background. He suffered through abuse from his birth father,