Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

34: Dan Deigan: Less Talk, More Action



No matter what anyone tells you, success is not an easy thing. You will never find that short cut to the financial life you want. If anyone tells you it’s easy, or won’t take much time: run. They are selling you on a scam. To be a success you need to work, and work hard. But not just in business, in everything.  Don’t show up and just get by. Whether it’s at work, or with your family, success comes from putting quality into every moment you have. The best way to do that is to put everything into actionable steps. Don’t just aim for the big overall goals, break it up into smaller goals that you can easily tackle. And most importantly, you don’t have to do it alone. Although you can’t make it easy, you can make it easier by bringing in someone who has been there and done it. A coach will make your life so much better by helping you avoid pitfalls they’ve gone through. To go further into this, I have brought on yet another amazing guest: Dan Deigan. Dan Deigan serves as an inspiration to others. His energy,