Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

06: James Malinchak: Don’t work hard or smart, work RIGHT!



Show Notes: “Hard work gets you hard work. People say you have to work smarter. Not true. You have to work right.” - James Malinchak (click to tweet) Our current situation is a result of choices we make and influence we are around. If you hand out with people making twenty thousand dollars a year, you’ll only ever make twenty thousand dollars a year. You need a support group that makes at least the amount of money you make. We aren’t talking about having one or two rich friends, but you need to have all of your friends be where you want to be.  Having this group of friends will change your mentality almost immediately. You’ll learn to think with a different mindset. You’ll stop thinking about what something costs, and start looking at investment. The broke mentality of a short term price and not the long term investment are what keep you in the poor house. On this episode of Results Radio we are joined by an amazing entrepreneur and coach you may have seen on ABC’s The Secret Milli