Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

07: Wes Schaeffer: If You Can’t Sell It, Don’t Build It



“Make less statements and ask more questions.” - Wes Schaeffer (Click To Tweet) When people start their own business they often set the wrong goals. They try to make the sale and just worry about getting the money. They try to get every potential customer to like them. They try to make the perfect product then find the customers. These sound like good ideas, but are all recipes for a long term disaster. When you make a sale you’re only halfway to your goal. You really want to establish a relationship with your customer so they come back for more business. You don’t do this by getting them to like you, but by getting them to trust you. People only buy from people they trust, not necessarily the people they like. Lastly, you really need to find what people really want and then sell it to them instead of trying to force a product on people. On this episode of Results Radio we are joined by The Sales Whisperer, Wes Schaeffer. Download this episode to to get the tips you need to be a successful entrepreneur and se