Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

12: Scott Fay - How To Find Your Sweet Spot



Show Notes: “Lead leaders, not followers.” - Scott Fay (Click to Tweet) Being a good leader isn’t about having loyal followers. You’ll just end up surrounded by compliance, and things won’t get done. If you want to be a good leader, lead leaders. If you’re working on a project, find people that are just as passionate about your projects as you are. They’ll want to lead teams to see it succeed. You’ll be able to make more progress than if you just had someone following your direction. To really be a leader you don’t want to control the people around you. You want to support them, and nurture them. You want them to feel valuable, and in control. If they feel like they are being controlled, or are too afraid of you to take control they are only going to end up doing just enough to get by. On this episode of Results Radio we are joined by Scott Fay, author of Discover Your Sweet Spot. He gives amazing insights on how to be a good leader, when you should and shouldn’t sweat the small stuff,