Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

13: Tom Ziglar - What You Focus on is Where You Will Be



Show Notes: “At the end of the day all of life and all of business is about relationships.” - Tom Ziglar (click to tweet) Everyone wants to achieve success and happiness. It’s simply human nature. In the end it’s not about trying to make a sale, beat the competition, or treat people differently at work than you would at home. Being happy and successful is all about nurturing relationships. If you want to build your business the right way, don’t go out and try to make a sale. No one wants to be sold. People want to be helped. When you encounter a potential customer you need to put their needs first. Do whatever it takes to help them. If you don’t have what they need, find it for them - don’t try to push what you do have on them.  When you take the time to help someone in need they will come back to you every time, and that’s how you build lasting wealth. On this episode of Results Radio we are joined by a very special guest, Tom Ziglar. Tom is the son of the famous Zig Ziglar, and