Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

26: Stefan Aarnio: How to be a Successful Real Estate Investor



Show Notes: “In one way or the other people need real estate if they want to retire.” - Stefan Aarnio I’ve known so many people over the years who call themselves a real estate investor. When you try to ask how many homes they invest in, they mumble and dance around the subject. This isn’t investing. Flipping one or two houses doesn’t make you an investor. If you want to be an investor, you need to commit. You need to be serious and go all in. The good news is this isn’t something you have to do alone. You don’t have to go into the trenches and hope for the best, you can reach out and get help make sure you reach the success you want. In the end, investing in things like real estate has a huge pay off. But you really need to commit and be decisive. On this episode of Results Radio, we are joined by Stefan Aarnio to discuss his journey as a real estate investor and the pitfalls he sees others go through. Stefan Aarnio is an award-winning real estate Investor, Entrepreneur, Author and wi