Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

27: Darren Jacklin: Building Business Relationships in Person



SHOW NOTES: YOURRESULTSRADIO.COM/27 “I don’t compete, I just dominate the space.” - Darren Jacklin Many people want to hide behind a computer and get rich. That’ll only get you so far. The truth is you need to build real relationships in person. Most deals aren’t made online, at least not the big ones. The biggest deals are always made between to people, one on one. Social media is a tool, and can get you to that face to face interview. If you are serious about being an entrepreneur and not just doing it as a hobby, you can’t be afraid to get out there. Do whatever it takes to get face time with your potential customers and investors. On this episode of Results Radio we are joined by one of the most inspirational people I know: Darren Jacklin. Darren was told he was special, and not in a good way. He was put on drugs like ritalin and told he would be everything but a success, because he didn’t follow the rules. As it turns out the rules you learn in school aren’t what it takes to be successful. They teach you