Results Radio With Shawn Shewchuk

28: John Arnott Sr.: The Simple Shift to Entrepreneurship



Show Notes: “People buy the person, they don’t buy the project.” - John Arnott Sr. Today it seems like everyone wants to be an entrepreneur. They think they can take the skills they’ve developed at their J O B and start their own business. In reality, starting your own business is far more than just working directly with clients. If you’re the one always working on every task of every project, you’re not an entrepreneur. You’re just a freelancer. To truly be an entrepreneur you need to spend as much time working on your business as you do in your business. It’s not just enough to know how to do the work - you need to know how to manage others to do the work. On this episode of Results Radio we are joined by John Arnott Sr. John is 76-year-old entrepreneur who has built his own incredibly successful digital marketing company because, not because he had to but because he wanted to. He’s learned to take his expertise and turn it into a passionate business that’s designed to help those who