Executive Speakers On Speakers

ESOS Episode 34 Daniel Sieberg on Self-Driving Cars and the Future of AI Robotics



For the past 25 years, Daniel Sieberg has seen it all between CNN, CBS News, Google, and several startups and developed a presentation style unique to himself: the role of tech philosopher. How do we make sense of any new technologies and ensure they are not only right for the times but right for us? What are the practical implications of future innovation and invention - beyond the gimmicks and gee-whiz? Sieberg cuts through the noise and unpacks all the developments from recent history but also looks ahead to what’s next. His goal is to generate critical thinking and awareness when it comes to where we’re headed in the 21st century. How should we apply anything new - and why? Sieberg is your guide through the complexities of technology and speaks to advancements in language that both experts and amateurs alike can relate to.