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141 - The Addiction Chronicles: Karen Hannah



In today's episode I talk with Karen Hannah and she shares her story of recovery over the past year.  Karen is 59 years old and was a sugar and carb addict for well over 50 years. She was put on her first diet at 7 years old, lied about her age to join Weight Watchers at age 14 and has yo-yo dieted her entire life. The irony was she wasn’t that overweight as a child but then she moved to a candy store when she was 13 and that set her firmly on the path for a lifetime of addiction to sugar. She dieted her way up to morbid obesity and Type 2 diabetes as an adult. All that changed when she heard about SUGARx Global almost a year ago via the Diet Doctor website where she re-watched Bitten Jonsson’s videos, then joined her Facebook group and heard about a 5-day Crush your Cravings challenge. She was desperate at that point, as by that time her diabetes was completely out of control, she was on three medications and facing daily injections, and still couldn’t stop eating sugar and carbs even though she knew th