Calvary Chapel Elk Grove Sunday

178. John 17:11-12, 15 With Jesus Behind The Veil-Part 12 (4-24-22) - Audio



178. John 17:11-12, 15 With Jesus Behind The Veil-Part 12 Pastor Phil Ballmaier Calvary Chapel Elk Grove 4-24-22 Join Pastor Phil Ballmaier of Calvary Chapel Elk Grove as he works his way through the Gospel of John on Sunday Mornings. Today we continue in Chapter 17 in Part 12 of, "With Jesus Behind The Veil". John 17 is known as ‘the High Priestly prayer of Jesus.’ Jesus knew He was just a few hours from the Cross and set this time aside to go before His Father. He prayed for three things. He prayed for Himself (verses 1-5), His Disciples (verses 6-19), and all believers yet to come to know Him in the future (verses 20-26). That includes us... Jesus prayed for the 12 Disciples, and all disciples to come—that His Father would give us grace to glorify Him & the Kingdom, that He would 'keep them', and then sanctify us and make us holy. An incredible section of scripture to pray on and apply! Are you trusting in Him today? Is He your Savior? Are you sealed with His promise? R