

We heard (& loved) your requests and are going to be exploring some different location independent careers throughout this year. If you have a specific type of work you want us to speak about (or bring on an expert) then hit us up at But for today, Lynne & Kaycee are getting into what is a community manager, what tasks are expected, and what are the goals of a CM. They speak from years of experience running the Location Indie community as well as tons of Facebook Groups, and other types of paid and non-paid communities. If you have ever wondered what it is like to be a CM and are interested in learning more about this type of work then hang out with us as we get into the nitty-gritty. If you are running your own community then this may also help guide you as well. We hope you enjoy this episode and please let us know if you want to hear more from the ladies of LI by shooting us an email at or tagging us in a post on Instagram. Important Links Wander Your