Loves Labours Watched

LLW: Interview with Sophie Haydock, author of The Flames plus Bridgerton Season 2



This episode we speak to debut author Sophie Haydock about The Flames, her historical novel about four women who were painted by Austrian artist Egon Schiele. Sophie chatted to us about recentering women in history, her inspiration for the novel and her popular corresponding Instagram account @egonschieleswomen. Later, we chat about the return of Netflix fave Bridgerton. Find out all our thoughts on Kate and Anthony, our hopes for next season and why we were so excited to see Rupert Young AKA Merlin's Sir Leon pop up (expect some spoilers for Bridgerton Season 2) Get in touch with us with your thoughts @RealLLW on Twitter and @LovesLaboursWatched on Instagram. Shout out to Alex Egge (@aneggeaday on Instagram)for our lovely logo too!