We The Sales Engineers: A Resource For Sales Engineers, By Sales Engineers

#210 Striking a Balance Business Enablement And Technology Enablement



In this episode, we're joined by Rafael Lluis, the Head of Sales Engineering at Liferay. We’ll talk about how he got into the field of sales engineering and what it takes to be successful in his role today. Rafael started his career in consultancy and then moved on to presales and eventually became a Sales Engineering Manager. Today, in his current role, he manages a diverse team of international SEs and how they collaborate across different countries, cultures, and requirements. We talk about where the presales team spends most and least time and where they should be improving, as well as best practices in planning sessions, demos, and "critique sessions." We also discuss how sales engineers juggle learning with other priorities—and what they're looking for in their ideal hire. Finally, Rafael shares what he sees as the future of presales and the skills that people need to work on to succeed.   Show notes: https://wethesalesengineers.com