Innovation In Compliance With Tom Fox

Personal Training For Businesses with Kris Reynolds



Kris Reynolds is the CEO of Arrowhead Consulting, a company that guides other organizations on managing their employees, processes, and tools. Tom Fox welcomes him to this week’s show to talk about corporate culture, strategies for post-pandemic productivity, and the future of project management.  Culture As a Focus Corporate culture is important and must be aligned with the business's core values. Your core values also can't be simple slogans that you have up on walls. They have to be constantly acted on. "If you're not really living and breathing the core values, you're not really going to be a culture fit," Kris tells Tom.  Post-Pandemic Strategies Kris itemizes three strategies companies should be engaging within the post-pandemic business world: creativity, relationships and connections, and going back to basics. Creativity in advertising and marketing is key, and Kris also suggests pairing creativity with relationships. "I would encourage companies whether you're small or large, to take the time to do