Rec Scale Up Podcast

Ep 7 - How to access more candidates in a candidate-short market



Guest speaker: Christian Fowles-Smith, Customer Service Director, REC Job board prices are going up, blocking access to a wider talent pool. At the same time, the new generation of tech and social media savvy jobseekers are looking at where they can get the right information about vacancies quickly. As a recruiter, what can you do to access more candidates in a candidate-short market, with limited investment? REC's Customer Service Director Christian Fowles-Smith has been in the industry since 2001. In this episode of Talking Recruitment, he and Neil discuss: • The current status of job boards • What REC members are doing to find more candidates in this market • What the REC is doing to help improve the offer from job boards and support members with training relevant to a candidate-short market • How you can work with your clients to access more candidates • Predictions on where the industry is headed. If you want to hear more about candidate sourcing and facing future challenges in the industry, sign