Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

Why are you not taking action? Amber Sandberg: 286



Do you feel like you get paralyzed when it comes to taking action? Today I am talking all about why we don't take action and get the results we want. Have you ever found yourself constantly busy but you're not productive?  It's so easy to get caught up in passive action, prepping to "do the thing" vs actually doing it.  Do you find yourself listening to podcasts, reading books, taking courses but not taking the time to implement what you learned? This is called passive action, if you want to start getting results we have to take massive action but many times this feels too scary so we stay in passive action and tell ourselves that we are doing the work that needs to happen to get our results. Also, I talk about being a perfectionist and how that can slow the process down or even paralyze you from even taking action.  Are you a person that just preps, and preps and preps waiting for the perfect moment to start? If you recognize yourself in any of these scenarios then this episode is for you!  Hear what I have