Kevin Ward's Yes Talk | Real Estate Coaching And Success Training For Agents

YesTalk 254 - Top 10 Reasons Agents Stay Stuck Below $100K



Go to to join me for our FREE weekly webinar. Here are 10 reasons that most agents don't make $100,000 a year (and beyond): 1. Lack of commitment. Not going all-in limits your ability to produce more because it takes time and 100% COMMITMENT to master the skill of representing your clients well.  2. Fear. Agents’ common fears (rejection, annoying people, and failure) show up as procrastination and creative avoidance. Those things are bound to happen, but don’t let fear stop you. 3. Self-doubt. When you don’t believe in yourself, how can you expect clients to believe that you can do a good job? Get over your self-doubt so you can overcome other people’s doubts about you. 4. Bad advice. Take advice only from the people who already have the results that you want. 5. The D-I-Y (Do-It-Yourself) Approach. Some agents think they can do things on their own, without help from a coach. This eventually costs them time and money. 6. Lack of systems. Without a proven business model, agents end up in