Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Don’t Water Down Your Purpose Interview with Brooke Thomas



If you were given a death sentence, how would you spend the remainder of your time?  How different would your life look?  Would you be paralyzed by fear or would you finally follow that purpose and vision that you’ve been sitting on? Our guest today, Brooke Thomas, found herself at this crossroads when she was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer at just 26 years old.  As with any type of traumatic or unplanned event that enters our life, we are forced to stop, take evaluation, and choose how we move forward.  A shift will inevitably occur and you will begin to chase after who you truly are and you will find your voice.  What crossroads are you currently standing at?  We only get this one, beautiful. How will you choose to live out your purpose?  Envision the future you dream about and speak it out loud…in audible words. There is power in your voice.  Don’t allow defeat to take you down.  Believe a different story.  Believe a different outcome.  Speak out loud what is in your heart - your passion, your vision, your