Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

God has not left you alone...



Welcome to Angels Don’t Lie with Jeanne Street, God-based medium, healer and author.  In today’s episode, Jeanne shares that if you are a sensitive soul and empath alike, the collective world energy from the war overseas can leave you feeling in a place of despair. And if that is the case - you may be feeling lost, or in a storm of unsettled and distraught energy.    Jeanne shares an inspirational and encouraging message from God’s angels that will elevate and support you to shine your internal light as bright as you possibly can. Thereby your light will act as a beacon of hope and love to  illuminate the path out of darkness for others.  Passage from Psalms 91:11 “For he will put his Angels in charge of you to guard you in all your ways.” This passage came to Jeanne in three different ways during her morning routine and reminded her that she has the power to make change through her choices and actions. Following the blessings of three, Jeanne invites you to follow along in her top 3 choices for action, or to