Women Worldwide With Deirdre Breakenridge

The Principles of Decision-Making



Have you ever been faced with a decision that could mean someone lived or died? Jillian Haslam, author of the new book, A Voice Out of Poverty, has faced life-threatening decisions, which kept her younger sister alive. Jillian is an inspiration and her story is one you won’t want to miss. Listen as Jillian shares her inspirational story and learn more about the principles behind her decision-making process. She took those words to heart and when her little sister was born and given only three days to live, she said no. Instead, she took a bowl to tea shops in the area and asked for milk. That one decision saved her sister’s life and now she’s happily married and thriving.  Despite their poverty, her parents were unbelievably giving because no matter what they had they always had room to give.  Growing up around such truly inspirational people helped her to never see the suffering in the situation. Instead, she and her siblings found happiness and joy. She’s now a successful author, speaker, and entrepreneur