Hazel & Katniss & Harry & Starr

Fire Song



For the first time in nearly 150 episodes (!), we're covering a  novelization of a film instead of a straightforward adaptation!Fire Song  is a dark and grim tale of contemporary Indigenous life that makes for a tough read/watch. The non-professional actors occasionally make the drama a little too real, and the overwhelming feeling that Shane's life is  awful can feel oppressive, but we appreciate the moments of levity and acceptance (particularly the text's somewhat "Hollywood" ending).Up for discussion: the literally unsustainable options for Indigenous teen girls, performative masculinity and societal pressures (both from within the community and the long historical legacy of residential schools) and how to read Shane's queer identity from film to book.  Plus: Brenna's love for Canadian royalty, Jennifer Podemski!Wanna connect with the show? Follow us at our new Twitter handle @HKHSPod or use the hashtag #HKHSPod:Brenna: @brennacgrayJoe: @bstolemyremoteHave something longer to say or a comment about book c