Hazel & Katniss & Harry & Starr

Blinded By The Light feat. Brennan Klein



Shout out to listener Andrew for recommending what turned out to be our most divisive text to date! Brenna quite likes both the book and the film, while Brennan and Joe...do not.Brenna argues for the book as reflective of a specific period in British history and also of a kind of British Dude Lit ©, while Brennan and Joe find it too cold and episodic.All three of us agree that the film amounts to fan-fiction for Manzoor’s own life. As a work of "mainstream" pop culture, Chadha's film leans pretty heavily into coming of age tropes that Joe feels sands off the edges, while Brenna thinks is cute and delightful (white saviour narratives aside).Brennan's homework:Jay’s Gay Agenda by Jason JuneThe Passing Playbook by Isaac FitzsimonsThe Darkness Outside Us by Eliot SchreferI’ll Be The One by Lila LeeThe Love Curse of Melody McIntyre by Robin TalleyHani and Ishu’s Guide to Fake Dating by Adiba JaigirdarBrenna's homework:Felix Ever After by Kacen CallenderWanna connect with the show? Follow us at our new Twitter hand