Hazel & Katniss & Harry & Starr

The Darkest Minds



Are you Green or Orange? We're not quite Red over this listener recommendation (thanks Em!) but both Brenna and Joe find that Bracken's text doesn't fully want to engage with its rebellion or world-building as much as it could (or should?) Instead it's a lot of road trip, with an unconvincing romance and a cliffhanger that suggests we might enjoy the next book in this series more.Alas the film fares worse: despite decent special effects and a more convincing romantic pairing between returning champ Amandla Stenberg and someone named Harris Dickinson (*not a Hemsworth), the film doubles down on the book's least interesting aspects. As it stands, this pairing simply doesn't stand on its own two feet and Stenberg (see previous episodes: Everything, Everything; The Hate U Give, and The Hunger Games) deserves better!Please note: we learned after this recording that Stenberg identifies as non-binary and will refer to them with their intended pronouns moving forward in future episodes.Wanna connect with the show? Fo