Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

Listen to this for Tips on how to Heal old Trauma Wounds



Welcome to today's episode of Angels Don't Lie with your host Jeanne Street. Today’s episode centers around the understanding that our body remembers the pains and experiences throughout our life, especially early on. We have either forgotten the memory of this experience, or quite the opposite - the memory just keeps replaying over and over for us. When we live in angst and suffering - even if we had previously made peace with what has occurred, we may not have completely healed from that experience. The body holds that energy within our chakras and meridians causing us to live in low vibration, and that means we aren’t flowing through life with ease but rather are held back, feeling stagnant and stuck.  When we start awakening our energy centers, our body and mindset starts to shift. Access the FREE Angel Mediumship Third Eye Chakra Opening Masterclass using the link below! Join the Angels Don’t Lie Facebook Community   Become a