Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Build to 7-figures without being afraid other’s opinions Interview with Jennifer Allwood



Fear is a liar.Fear will tell you that: You’re not good enough You don’t have enough expertise You’re not succeeding And so much more… But, I want to tell you…That. Is. A. Lie!Fear will keep us stuck, playing small, and feeling safe. You were created for so much more. You have been given a God-sized mission and vision that you were created to share with the world!I remember a time early on in my business where I allowed fear to grip me so tightly. I got so wrapped up in people-pleasing and working long hours because that’s what I thought I had to do, that my physical health began to fail in the way of adrenal failure. Something had to give, because fear was winning. Once I let go of that fear, everything began to change. This doesn’t mean everything will be smooth sailing and rainbows, but when fear doesn’t rule our hearts and our mind, we can better handle whatever scenario is thrown our way. In this episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I’m talking with my dear friend, Jennifer Allwood. She is absolutely