Epic Success With Dr Shannon Irvine

Kick Fear In The Face Interview withThea Wood



Are you ready to be victorious in your life and business? Yet there is that nagging feeling…that doubt…that fear holding you back from that BIG, GOD-SIZED vision and mission that you know you were meant for.  There will always be people (sometimes those closest to you) that will cheer you on until you no longer fit in the box they created for you. We can’t control how people react to us, we can only control how we respond.  No one is responsible for your dreams and vision. Take responsibility. Become a victor rather than a victim.  Don’t settle for any less than you know you were created for. Make a decision. Push forward. Persevere.  Kick. Fear. In. The. Face. In this episode of the Epic Success Podcast, I’m talking with my friend, Thea Wood. She is an entrepreneur, mom, wife, and author of Kick Fear In The Face. She is fantastic and fearless and we can glean so much from her story and testimony.  This interview is a part of a series called Take Your Seat at the Table, where I’m interviewing the Queens from