Simmons Here And Now

TELL THE DAMN STORY #222: Six Tops Ways To See "The Batman" as Film School Gold



This week, Alex and Chris dive deep into Matt Reeves' new film "The Batman" from the perspective of creatives and creative writing.  The cohost discuss the 80 plus year history that contributes to this iteration of the character.   They also explore the elements of storytelling, soundtrack, cinematography, acting, and directing that work together to give us so much to appreciate from this particular film.  Whether you are an aspiring screenwriter, director, writer, or actor, this episode is for you. Have questions or comments for us? Post in the comments section or ... Write: And follow us on ... @Tell The Damn Story The Damn Story Tell The Damn Story #mattreeves #thebatman #michaeluslan #batmantheanimatedseries #theboywholovedbatman #batman #Batmanbegins #nealadams #dennisoneil #seven #jeffreywright #zoekravitz #pauldano #robertpattinson