Wisdom Teachings - Sat Yoga, Costa Rica

The State of the World and the Path to Freedom - Shunyamurti Teaching



We are in the ultimate battle for our souls, as well as for our freedom and our lives. To win this, we must increase our level of intelligence and activate our latent paranormal powers. That means we must leave behind the obsolete ego-mind and attain the innermost levels of the Self. The Core Self is within us now, and when we attune to That, we feel completely free and unbound, and able to download amazing insights. Knowledge is power. If you understand what is happening now in the world as an awesome opportunity rather than a threat, pushing us to higher consciousness, then you will profit greatly from the end of the current world age. This investment offers far more return than bitcoin. But the cost is letting go of all chosen forms of self-enslavement, including fear itself.