Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

How to bounce back when life is hard: Trisha Campbell: 281



Do you feel heavy hearted lately? Today we have Trisha Campbell an author and mom of 5 on the show. She shares with us how she learned how to bounce back when life was not easy. We talk about how she has 5 kids, 3 of them adopted with special needs and how important it is to take care of yourself so that you can show up as the mom you want to be. Trisha shares with us her journey of having Lyme disease and how her book was born out of that time of healing. She mentioned that when things are hard to make sure to pay attention to your marriage, to make time for each other and remember you are a team. One topic that stood out to me is when she told me "don't believe lies, the lies you have a tendency to believe". Hear what she has to say about this topic and more on the podcast.   Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you feel like you spend so much energy thinking about how to lose weight, wh