Abundance Hack

#009 Amy Powell on Having a Baby on Your Own



Society puts pressure on you to get married and have children by a certain age. If you don’t fit this mold you start to think something is wrong with you.  This is toxic because women tend to settle in unhealthy relationships and lose sight of what they truly want for their life. Aerialist and business owner Amy Powell decided to do things her own way! This interview is important and powerful for everyone to know you don’t have to succumb to social pressures and if your life doesn’t look a certain way it doesn’t mean something is wrong with you. You have the ability to pave your own way! You deserve to live a life that is right for you and it doesn’t matter how that looks to everyone else. You are the author of your story! Don’t give anyone else the pen! Find Amy here: https://www.weirdisuseful.com