Abundance Hack

#11 Kim Julen: Feng Shui



Kim Julen founder of Finding Your Fiji, is a Feng Shui expert and psychic. Kim is a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner, IFSG Red Ribbon Practitioner and Certified Angel Card Reader. Angels and homes talk to her and they always have helpful information to share!   In 2017, Kim moved from Minnesota to Maui, sight unseen, to make her dream life a reality. Through her private coaching, Feng Shui consultations and Angel Readings, Kim brings Harmony to your Head, Heart and Home. She is passionate about helping you “Find Your Fiji”, whatever that may be for you! www.FindingYourFiji.com Free Gift 9 Fast Feng Shui Fixes to Attract Abundance: http://iqufsune.megaph.com/ YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChFIaKQHRwh4352R0DAUWVw Feng Shui Fridays video playlist - http://bit.ly/FengShuiFriday Facebook -  https://www.facebook.com/findingyourfiji LinkedIn -  https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimjulen Instagram -  https://www.instagram.com/FindingYourFiji Twitter -  https://twitter.com/findingyourfiji