Dog House

145: Dog House In Major Trouble. Bag Of Cocaine At The Store.



Ep. 145: July 11, 2016On Today's Show:Sneaking a kid through airport security. Stealing a toilet seat cover at the airport gets DH in major trouble. Fruits and veggies boost emotional state. Fed our dogs Cheetos and they threw up on JV’s crotch. Natasha sleep walking to the fridge again. More UFC talk. How do you do afterparty with a busted up face? Funny story when JV’s brother sleeps over. Violent kid names on the rise. Wedding invitation sent to the Dog House. Matador gored to death. Bag of cocaine left on grocery scanner. Plate size spiders. Man..SHUT UP! No one’s better than Jamie Foxx. Is Zac Efron hot? Crying on demand. Elvis’ roommate leaves maggots in the fridge. Human like pets. Natasha wants to have her dogs at the table at restaurants like humans.