Valley Beit Midrash

The Seven Questions You’re Asked in Heaven



A virtual event presentation by Dr. Ron Wolfson ABOUT THE EVENT: When you get to heaven, what questions do you think you’ll be asked about how you lived your life on earth? In the Talmud and through the centuries, rabbis have imagined what these questions might be. In this challenging, poignant and humorous presentation, we’ll study text, share stories, and explore the concept of cheshbon ha-nefesh, a spiritual accounting of the soul. ABOUT THE SPEAKER: DR. RON WOLFSON is the Fingerhut Professor of Education at American Jewish University in Los Angeles, where he has been on the faculty for forty-six years and president of the Kripke Institute. He is the author of seventeen books on Jewish life, including Shabbat, Passover, Hanukkah, God’s To-Do List, The Seven Questions You’re Asked in Heaven, The Spirituality of Welcoming, Relational Judaism, The Relational Judaism Handbook, a memoir, The Best Boy in the United States of America, and his latest book with Dr. Bruce Powell, Raising A+ Human Beings: Crafting