Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

Tips to Hack Social Behavior as an Entrepreneur - (Episode 74)



Ben Matteucci is back to share more actionable advice that can help you navigate both business and personal relationships. From his days working door-to-door sales, up through running his own business, Ben learned the value of reading body language. Ben and Gabe share what they’ve both learned along the way to help make sense of people’s actions and behaviors and how this knowledge can help grow your business.Learning on the GoBen was first introduced to the concept of body language while working in sales. He was required to read about interpreting body language in order to better communicate with prospective clients. Figuring how what signals people were giving, from their tone and how they positioned themselves and so on, in addition to what they were actually saying, gave Ben insight into what they really meant.Getting Through SmokescreensBen used what he learned about interpreting body language to quickly tailor his strategy to fit each individual’s needs and perspective and help close sales. Based on the