Mom Inspired Show With Amber Sandberg

How decluttering can upgrade your life: Krista Lockwood: 279



Do you feel like all your energy is being sucked dry by clutter? Today we have Krista Lockwood on the show and she shares with us how decluttering can drastically change your life for the good.  She walks us through how we can declutter without becoming a full blown minimalist. She mentions how doing tiny little projects will provide small wins and how those can add up over time.  To choose a space in your home that is draining you like your laundry room, under the sink, junk drawer and start with that.   One topic that stood out to me is when Krista talked about how decluttering can improve every aspect of your life and why.  Hear what she has to say about this topic and more on the podcast.   Do you feel stuck, do you want to leave counting calories and dieting behind?  Do you feel you like you can achieve so much in life but your weight loss? Do you feel like you spend so much energy thinking about how to lose weight, what to eat, and if you can even keep the weight off once you get to goal?  I can hel