Uncluttered Office with Catherine Avery

Intentionally Unproductive, Transformational Rest, and Taking a Weekend Off EP 79



I asked Clara to join me on the podcast because she had a life changing experience in taking a weekend off. This doesn’t sound like a big deal, but when you’re a military spouse with a couple of kids, you’ve just moved into a hotel in a brand new country, your parents are moving and ALL THE THINGS plus a pandemic, taking a weekend off is a major deal.  We talk about the resistance we feel as parents to get time away followed by the surrender and the release. And that monkey brain chatter that happens when we have nothing planned and nothing to do. Yet it’s so important to unplug, to be a human BEing not a human doing.   But when we rest, the kind where you get bored, it’s transformational.  About Clara Goldberg-Freeman  Clara has been a military spouse for over 16 years, mother to an 11 year-old girl, and a 13 year-old boy.   Two years ago, combining all her life experiences and professional background, Clara started her own business, Clara Mei Consulting.  She is a certified life coach and group facili