Uncluttered Office with Catherine Avery

Productivity, Poetry, and Living a “Yes And” Life EP 92



I brought a poet on to the podcast! Which has absolutely nothing to do with productivity but it’s my podcast soooo. I love poetry and John’s poems are my latest obsession. I HAD to share his brilliance.  We run the gamut from our favorite poets to empathy to tipping points to every day miracles and living a yes and life even in a pandemic.  Buckle up and enjoy the ride.  Links:  Hey God Hey John by John Roedel  Kaitlin Shetler  Every Word You Cannot Say by Iain Thomas  About John Roedel -  John Roedel is a comic, poet and storyteller from Wyoming who did what any middle-aged man does when he starts to fall apart: He started talking to "God" on Facebook, became obsessed with poetry and found a way to turn his tear drops into art.  John Roedel  To learn more about your host, Catherine Avery:   Productivity by Design   Facebook Page and   LinkedIn  To connect with Catherine: Schedule a Call   *We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affilia