Delight Your Marriage

329-"I Changed & She Drew Towards Intimacy" - Minister Matt's Transformation Story



Have you lost hope of your marriage EVER changing? You're not alone! Many who come to Delight Your Marriage (DYM) have all but given up on their marriages. Some who come here, are separated and/or on the verge of divorce. Many others, have good marriages but want an even better one! In regard to the specific challenges that Minister Matt and his wife experienced in their marriage, he shares, "I kind of resigned myself to, 'That's what it is and this is how it's going to be.'" After finding Delight Your Marriage, "It gave me hope for the first time in a long time." Minister Matt found the supportive community within DYM to be a key factor to helping guys to continue moving in the right direction.  For those of you who are in ministry and feel somewhat isolated to get the help you need in your marriage, DYM is the ideal place to come! Your marriages are likely under a higher level of enemy attack because of your position as a leader in your church or ministry. We welcome you and offer a safe and godly environme