Innovation In Compliance With Tom Fox

World’s Most Ethical Companies 2022 with Doug Allen and Erica Salmon Byrne



Managing Director of Ethisphere, Doug Allen and Erica Salmon Byrne, EVP of Governance and Compliance, join Tom Fox on this week’s episode to talk about the World’s Most Ethical Companies award put on by Ethisphere every year.  Origins Ethisphere was created to advance the standards of ethical practices. Doug says that their three tenets are “to define what's good in terms of how businesses do business with integrity; measure and improve in all facets of integrity and then curating and convening organizations of like cultures and nature…” WMEC is the “purest manifestation of all these key tenets,” he continues, as it was established 16 years ago to “celebrate and recognize organizations that were doing business the right way.” The application process is rigorous, but it helps companies measure and assess their performance as well as give them a roadmap on how to improve. Erica comments that it “pulls the practical out of the theoretical… We spend a lot of our time taking those very broad strokes of guid